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bunny breakfast
family at bunny breakfast
kid with carrot face painting
kids with easter bunny
easter egg hunt
The Easter Bunny loves to meet with the kids.The Easter Bunny loves to meet with the kids.
After meeting the Bunny, everyone gets a full breakfast. AN Egg Hunt completes the event.After meeting the Bunny, everyone gets a full breakfast. AN Egg Hunt completes the event.

Breakfast With the Easter Bunny

Have a blast as your kids meet the Easter Bunny, enjoy a full breakfast and top it off with an Egg Hunt!
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When and where

Date and time

Saturday, Apr 12, 2025
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM


Clifton Park Elks Lodge, 695 Macelroy Road Ballston Lake, NY 12019


$10 per person, kids under 3 FREE

About this event

The Big Bunny is back in town! Twin Bridges Rotary’s “Breakfast with the Easter Bunny,” is Saturday, April 12 at the Clifton Park Elks Club

The fun event (which attracts hundreds of people) includes a hot breakfast, a visit from the Easter Bunny (parents can take photos with the Bunny). There will be two seatings: 8:30 am and 10 am.

The morning concludes with two Easter Egg Hunts at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. There will be giveaways and prizes during the egg hunts as well as the chance for adults to buy tickets for the Twin Bridges 50/50 Raffle.

Cost of the breakfast event is $10 per person, free for kids under 3. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged and can be done at​.

All proceeds go to local community projects.

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