Many women will go to the gym, hit the treadmill or elliptical, then head home. Cardio is great for anyone, but these women are missing out on the added health benefits of resistance training.
A benefit specific to women is reduced risk of osteoporosis. Resistance training puts constant stress on the bones, which results in increased bone density. This is not only great for younger women looking to prevent osteoporosis. Older women who already have lost bone density will gain strength, improve balance, relieve pain, and maintain good posture. All of this will help avoid falls that could potentially result in broken bones.
Increasing your muscle mass will also help you maintain a healthy weight. As your muscle mass increases, the number of calories you burn while at rest also increases.
Resistance training has been shown to decrease the risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
Weight training also helps reduce stress. Heavy lifting raises the dopamine and serotonin (two neurotransmitters that regulate mood) levels. They keep you calm and help stave off depression.
Make sure you are getting the most out of your gym time and wander down to the weight room the next time you’re at the gym!
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