You don’t need a gym to get in shape. Or equipment. Here are some great bodyweight exercises that will work the whole body. 1. Planks: Planks work the whole body, but in particular the core, back, and stabilizer muscles. They can be made harder as you progress by increasing the amount of time you...
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Avoiding Injury in the Weight Room
Whether you’re new to the gym or a veteran, weight training injuries can happen. The good news is that they can, for the most part, be avoided. Just follow these tips: When you’re just starting out, or starting back up after a long layoff, ease into it. If you try and do too much...
The Perfect Workout Partner
People who have a workout buddy tend to stick with an exercise program and reach their goals more than those who go solo. But coordinating schedules can be a nightmare at times. The solution? Get a dog. Dogs make great workout buddies. Their schedules will always match yours. Pick an active breed and they...