You have a family. You work. You run a taxi service for kids at night. How are you supposed to squeeze some time in to exercise? Here are 5 ways that you can sneak physical activity into your busy life (they can add up!):
- Go the long way. Whether that means taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking further from the door, or taking the longer route, the more steps you can do in a day the better.
- Walk to coworkers desk. Rather than calling, emailing or IM’ing a coworker, get up and walk over to their desk.
- Workout while watching TV. If you find you can’t miss your favorite show, do some exercise while it’s on. You can stretch, do situps, puships, etc. while watching. Put your multitasking skills to good use!
- Walk during break. Rather than staying at your desk during lunch or skipping the periodic breaks you’re entitled to, get up and walk. Schedule the time with friends to help keep you accountable.
- Play active games with kids. Kids love to run around. Join them! Get in some quality time with the kids at the same time.