Summer not only means more activity, it also means more injuries. As I sit here with an ice pack on my elevated sprained ankle, I thought that some tips for summer injury prevention were in order, even if they come too late for me! Make sure you’re not picking up an activity you haven’t...
Boost Your Mood – Exercise Outdoors
Every year, I spend my winter counting down until I can get outside for walks, hikes, bike rides. As soon as the weather breaks, I am happy to ditch the treadmill and get outside. It turns out I’m not alone in feeling this way. Many studies have been done to evaluate the difference exercising...
5 Reasons to Try Yoga
Yoga has some amazing benefits, both physically and mentally. I had read all the articles about those benefits, and wanted to give it a try for years, but could never find a class that fit my schedule. A few weeks ago, my mother came across the Yoga Lily here in Clifton Park and we...
Find Your Motivation
The #1 question I am asked about my fitness is “How do you stay motivated?”. I never really know how to answer this question. It’s been a long time since I’ve really thought about my training. It’s just something I do, just like brushing my teeth in the morning. Am I really motivated to...
Are Organic Foods Worth the Cost?
Walk down the produce aisle in just about any grocery store and you will see organic produce sitting right next to the non-organic, usually with a higher price tag. Is it worth the extra cost? What exactly does it mean to be organic? Organic does not necessarily mean healthier. An organic apple has the...
At Home Workouts
You don’t need a gym to get in shape. Or equipment. Here are some great bodyweight exercises that will work the whole body. 1. Planks: Planks work the whole body, but in particular the core, back, and stabilizer muscles. They can be made harder as you progress by increasing the amount of time you...
Avoiding Injury in the Weight Room
Whether you’re new to the gym or a veteran, weight training injuries can happen. The good news is that they can, for the most part, be avoided. Just follow these tips: When you’re just starting out, or starting back up after a long layoff, ease into it. If you try and do too much...
The Perfect Workout Partner
People who have a workout buddy tend to stick with an exercise program and reach their goals more than those who go solo. But coordinating schedules can be a nightmare at times. The solution? Get a dog. Dogs make great workout buddies. Their schedules will always match yours. Pick an active breed and they...
How Sleep (or Lack of It) Affects Weight Loss
Lack of sleep can leave you feeling foggy in the morning and can have a negative impact on your health. But did you know that lack of sleep can also make it harder to lose weight? While the body burns more calories while awake than it does when sleeping, that minor effect is counteracted...
Getting Back on Track After a Setback
Everyone gets off track. We binge eat one night. We miss days at the gym. What matters is how we react. Do we assume the week/day is shot and do what we want? Or do we get right back on track? Your reaction to setbacks in health and fitness can mean the difference between...