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SAFE: Sports Are For Everyone

Sports are for Everyone (SAFE) provides opportunities for disabled children to engage and compete in recreational sports such as golf, fishing, soccer, basketball, and baseball. Their mission is to teach children and young adults the positive value of athletics and teamwork with an attitude of encouragement. This organization gives kids a chance to socialize, compete, and exercise both their motor and life skills. The program is currently considering a self-defense program and kids learning baseball with the Valley Cats. Every month, SAFE nominates a Kid-of-the-Month and writes a short blurb on the laurels of their choice.

This summer, SAFE kids will be golfing at the Colonie Country Club Saturdays at 1:30. On August 3rd, the Second Annual Golf Tournament will be held at the Ballston Spa Country Club. And on the 7th, kids and their families will receive discounts to enjoy the rodeo show at Double M. All of this is only the summer program! In May there were family nights held at St. Edwards Clifton Park, two Saturdays a month, from 7-9pm, where children in the SAFE program can show their family their new friends and new skills. This coming September will shift the sports focus from golfing like Tiger Woods to playing soccer like David Beckham. The program will continue through October at the Clifton Commons on Saturdays at 10:00. The following three months take us into the new year and the kids from using their feet to using their hands while dribbling down the court with a basketball. These games are played at Okte Elementary School on Saturdays from 11-2, and the season ends in February. The program comes full circle with the April-June months centering around the outdoor game of baseball, back on the Clifton Commons on Saturdays from 10-11:30.

SAFE is often in need of office supplies like copy paper and storage space. If you are able to help, or would like more information about Sports are for Everyone, visit or send your inquiries to

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