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Statewide Caregiving And Respite Coalition Of NY

Statewide Caregiving and Respite Coalition of New York (SCRNY) was founded in July 2006. It expanded in January 2008, consolidated with the New York State Coalition for the Aging (NYSCA), and now stands as one of the leading providers of volunteer caregivers and respite for disabled persons and their families. The coalition provides services to the elderly, children with special needs, and every age and disability in between. The coalition also fosters and supports cooperation and communication among similar organizations at the community, county, and state levels. The goal of SCRNY is to provide and promote public awareness, advocacy, professional development, and fund development for the disabled and for organizations whose aim is to aid the disabled. An estimate puts the SCRNY as saving the state and its residents billions of dollars in healthcare expenses by providing quality unpaid care. In large part due to the efforts of SCRNY, New York State ranks third in the country for most informal caregivers.

To contact SCRNY, mail an inquiry to Statewide Caregiving and Respite Coalition of New York, 45 Colin Avenue, Albany, NY 12206, or call at (518) 465-0641, or send an e-mail to

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