Pepsi Refresh Your Neighborhood
By: Betty Moyer | August 2010

Clifton Park, NY- Does you neighborhood need a fix-up? Have an idea for change that would make a positive impact on your community? Price chopper and Pepsi want to help your ideas come to life! The Price Chopper and the Pepsi Refresh Project will give away $30,000 in grants to to fund neighborhood improvements projects.
Price chopper has teamed up with the Pepsi Refresh Project to make a difference in your neighborhood. Grants for $2,000 will go to the top 15 ideas. Residents in the state of New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania are eligible to submit their ideas.
The first 300 ideas will be accepted. All submissions must be made by September 28, 2010. Ideas submitted will be reviewed by a pannel of Price Chopper judges and On October 26, 2010, 15 winners will be announced and grants will be given out.
Scoring Criteria:
- Execution: 25% based on the viability as an executable idea (as opposed to constituting a donation)
- Impact: 25% based on the impact /reach execution of the idea will have on the local community
- Concept: 20% based on the idea's benefit to the local community
- Timing: 10% based on the ability to completely execute the idea within six months
- Cost: 10% based on the ability to execute the idea within the requested budget
- Inspiration: 10% based on inspiration of the idea.
Applicants and customers are encouraged to spread the word and submit ideas to make a difference in their communities. Grants will be given to a charitable organization, municipality, school or other qualified organization as designated by the idea submitter and recognized by the IRS.
For more information please contact PepsiCo at 1-866-724-9133 or to submit an idea visit their website.